Virtual Business Grid
Register Account

To register please enter your details below for the avatar you wish to register.

Avatar FirstName :
Avatar LastName :
Please enter the first and last names you wish to use for your avatar.

Avatar Look :   Show Avatars
Please select what your avatar will look like when you first enter the world.

Email Address :
Please enter your email address - you will be required to vairfy this address before you can login.

Password :
Verify Password :
Please enter your desired password and verify.

I am OVER 18 years old :
Virtual Business Grid is an over 18s ONLY grid and therefore you must confirm you are over18 years of age to comply with our Terms of Service

I give my permission to collect and use my data as described at and I agree to be bound by your terms as described at

How did you hear about The Virtual Business Grid?

We would like to keep you informed by email about news and changes to the grid via our periodic news letter and other publications. If you are happy for us to do this, please tick this box

Virtual Business Grid